Story Time: What Does a Hometown Mean to You?

Today, I read my essay on being a Military Brat, one of the main inspirations for starting the Partners of Commercial Fishermen community. I want to give partners the same recognition, empowerment, and support that military spouses receive because we deserve it.

I’ve been a professional writer and journalist for over 11 years, and the discipline of writing has saved me more than I can express. This is one such piece.

I share to reiterate the importance of POCFs finding a passion they can come back to, something that is completely yours, separate from your fisherman and family, something you call your own and find fulfillment. Let’s dive in!

Show Resources:

Check out the latest episode of the Partners of Commercial Fishermen Podcast!


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16 Yr. Old Cody Pratt on What It Means to be a 4th Generation Commercial Fisherman

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