Fishermen’s Wives: Coping with an Extraordinary Occupation
I’m intentionally posting this for our first blog post in February because our theme this month is “Feminine Advocacy” and the importance of bringing our feminine ways of thought, processes, minds, and hearts into fishing. You’ll see this theme played out each Wednesday when a new podcast episode drops, too!
The excerpt from “Fishermen’s Wives: Coping with an Extraordinary Occupation” is a beautiful reminder of how far we’ve come as women and POCFs and the wisdom we’ve gained from those before us, giving us strength and courage to take on what lies ahead.
Thank YOU for being a part of this community. Your presence is felt and valued by me and so many others in our community that you haven’t met in person. Yet your energy is felt and ripples out to each of us as we walk arm and arm through this incredible experience of being a Partner of Commercial Fisherman, feeling uplifted with the knowledge that we are not alone.
This episode is dedicated to you. It’s one of my favorites because it is so DAMN EMPOWERING.
In this episode, I read from a study done in 1978 on New England POCFs called “Fishermen’s Wives: Coping with an Extraordinary Occupation.” I wanted to share this with you because it COMPLETELY VALIDATES our existence and the service of partners of commercial fishermen worldwide!
Click here to listen on Apple.
Click here to listen on Spotify.
- How forced independence of our lifestyle benefits us in the long run.
- The key to a fisherman’s success in the industry.
- The specific reason why POCFs are so important to the industry.
Check out the email I received from a POCF and Scientist after this episode aired: