Emotions That May Happen When Traveling By Sailboat

Published in the Santa Barbara Sentinel under the pen name, Elizabeth Rose. Chris is known as “Jason” in the I Heart stories.

As you can imagine, or maybe this comes as a surprise, being on a boat in the middle of the ocean can bring up some personal issues.

I think itā€™s the continuous motion. Waves and wind knocking the boat from side to side, swirling emotions inside of you like flakes in a snow globe.

During long passages, with nothing else to do except stare at the horizon, I am left with too much time to wonder why after months or even years, these feelings are as fresh, and sometimes more intense, than the first moment they appeared.

I was on watch one day somewhere north of San Francisco. Bait fish bubbled to the surface. Seagulls soared high above. The ocean sparkled a sapphire shade of blue.

After some time of wobbling on the sea, an emotional snowflake fell on my nose.

I thought back to my teenage years and a fightĀ I got into with my dad when I was sixteen. I canā€™t remember what the fight was about exactly, but I remember the look of anger on his face and the lingering pain seared me like a fire iron, heating up my insides.

Shortly after, another snowflake fell.

It was an interaction with a friend that happened months ago. Why would she say that and I why didnā€™t I defend myself at the time? I need to work on my confrontation skills, I thought, or grow a thicker skin.

Then, I wondered if I put enough sunscreen on my skin.

I donā€™t want melanoma as much as I donā€™t want ā€œold lady chestā€ ā€“ a dĆ©colletage as crisp and lined as stale beef jerky.

So I ducked in the cabin, grabbed a tube of SPF, and began slathering it on my hands, neck, and chest.

Then one more snowflake plunked down, stacking on top of the last.

I need to see a doctor, no, a dentist! God, I hope my chipped molar doesnā€™t rot into a cavity then seep into my bloodstream and give me a heart attack.

I wonder how long that would take?

I hope I have some good years left.

What would I accomplish if I only had six months to live?

In a just few minutes, my thoughts avalanched into a mound of anxiety, burying me in.

I was at the beginning stages of emotional frostbite while floating on the sea on a bright and sunny day.

The human experience never ceases to amaze and confuse me.

Itā€™s true, you canā€™t escape your Self no matter how beautiful the scenery, how magical the adventure, or how far away you move from your childhood home.

And I knew that going in. I actually wanted to face my Self.

Itā€™s one of the reasons I desired the sailing life in the first place.

Perhaps Iā€™m a masochist.

With quite literally no ground beneath my feet, as corny as it sounds, I can only ground myself with my heart.

Maybe Iā€™ll accept these emotions rather than push them away.

Let the snowflakes fall on my warm, beating heart only to melt away into oblivion.

Give worry and anger a final resting place.

Forgive myself and others for being human.

Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t.

But as long as Iā€™m breathing, Iā€™ve got plenty of time to try and only one way to find out.

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