How The Newport Fishermen’s Wives Build Community To Help Fisheries Thrive

I’m intentionally posting this for one of our first blog posts in February because our theme this month is “Feminine Advocacy” and the importance of bringing our feminine ways of thought, processes, minds, and hearts into fishing. You’ll see this theme played out each Wednesday when a new podcast episode drops, too!

Let me tell you, this episode was like a HUGE POCF celebrity interview for me! I was so excited to learn from a seasoned Partner and to share her knowledge with our beautiful community. But let’s start at the beginning…

At the start of 2023, the Newport Fishermen’s Wives helped rally to raise over $100K to replace torched crab gear in Ilwaco, Washington.

Yet, before that, I had a chance to interview former Co-President Tuanette Dixon for our blog to learn more about what it means to be in a fishermen’s wives group and how they can support their community and themselves through the ups and downs of the fishing seasons. Click below to listen to our chat or read our full interview here.

Here are links to Apple and Spotify.

In the episode, we discuss:

  • What it’s like to support a local fishing community.
  • The critical role they play in keeping fishermen and families cared for throughout the year.
  • The nuances of ensuring all fishing families get what they need when they need it.

I am reposting our first blog interview with Taunette below for a little background about their group and the dynamics of working with strong, independent women. Let’s Dive in!

Originally titled: How The Newport Fishermen’s Wives Built A Community Like Bosses.

May 6, 2021

I learned about Newport Fishermen’s Wives through a member of our private group, and since then, they’ve acted as an example of how to build a strong, supportive community. (Something I hope I accomplish through this blog and private communities!).

Honestly, I was a little nervous to reach out to NFW until now. They just seemed so…together. So many miles down the road, I’ve only just begun. But after connecting with former Co-President Taunette Dixon, I realized my worries were all for naught. Taunette couldn’t have been more supportive of this blog and anyone out there who may want to start a support group of their own. It shows that no matter where our home port may be, our little commercial fishing world is compassionate and encouraging.

Ready to meet NFW? Let’s do this!

Meet Taunette Dixson of the Newport Fishermen’s Wives!


It really is such a treat to interview you, Taunnette! I’ve heard so many great things about your group. Can you please explain NFW to someone who has never heard of it before?

NFW’s is a local nonprofit 501(c)3; here is our mission statement:

The Newport Fishermen’s Wives is a non-profit corporation of fishermen’s wives, mothers, daughters, and friends, supporting a strong sense of community to further the causes of industry, safety, seafood education, and family support.

How exactly did it start, and when?

In 1970, a group of fishermen’s wives got together to support each other while their husbands were up in Alaska fishing for most of the year. It was purely a “social support group” in the beginning.

Was it always a non-profit with officers and board members? If not, what moved you to organize in this way?

It was a social group until several community needs around the fishing industry made the group decide to incorporate as a nonprofit to fundraise to address the needs. The group fought to get a local Coast Guard rescue helicopter and a helicopter pad at our local hospital. We have since had to fight to retain our rescue helicopter, and we have built a beautiful memorial where families can mourn their lost loved ones.

What criteria need to be met to become a member of NFW?

We have no criteria for becoming a member of NFWs. To become a board member, you need to have been in the group for at least one year, regularly attending meetings. To remain on the board, you must attend monthly board meetings.


Was there another group that helped you model NFW?

We only know of one other group around the same time that NFW’s formed, a group on the East Coast called Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association. I don’t think we necessarily modeled ourselves from their group. I think we formed more to the necessity of what our local fishing community was going through at the time.

What is the most important part of building a community like this?

We would like to see every fishing community have its own support group. When emergencies come up, it is critical to have a support system already in place to do what is needed in a timely manner. At this point, the fishing industry is fighting an uphill battle on so many fronts. It makes it so much easier when you have a team in place to take on problems or emergencies.

What has been the most challenging?

Any volunteer group has its challenges. No matter how large the group is, it is usually the same handful of people doing most of the work. It takes a lot of effort to make sure volunteers don’t get burned out, also that everyone feels included in the group and decisions being made.

Strong personalities can also be difficult to navigate. In fishing support groups, many women are used to being strong, independent women who run their households by themselves most of the year. Luckily, that also makes them great problem solvers with an incredible work ethic and a passion for the industry.

What advice would you offer to other partners of commercial fishermen wanting to start a support group?

Come to one of our meetings and sit down with experienced members who have learned what works and what doesn’t over the years.


What advice would you give your younger self starting in NFW?

Not to be so hesitant to jump in, it can be intimidating to join a group that is so involved in the community and well respected. Everyone has something to offer to the group; you can’t find your place without putting yourself out there.

Is there anything you would change or would like to see change?

The group is always evolving to meet the current needs of the community. Change is inevitable.

What do you think makes your group different from other fishermen’s wives groups out there?

We are lucky to live in a community that respects our industry, and we are also lucky to have a large pool of volunteers. Not all ports are so lucky. Also, we have been around for decades. We are trusted in our community because some amazing women paved the way for us. 🐟

Do you belong to a partner of commercial fishermen community? How do you feel being a part of a group like this would benefit your life? Please share in the comments below!

Hey, POCFs – Let’s Connect!

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> [Chat] If you’re seeking real-time support from people who understand what you’re going through OR are curious about what’s going on in other fisheries and how they are handling it, we got you! Our lively group text chat allows you to connect immediately and anytime you need us. Sound fun?  Click here to learn more about the private chat!

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POCF and Writer Maressa Voss on Publishing Her First Novel While Balancing Motherhood, Advocacy, and Marriage to a Commercial Fisherman.

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