How-To Send a Care Package to Your Fisherman
The summer fishing season is here, and recently I’ve gotten many inquiries on how to send packages to fishermen in remote parts of the country. Thank you for contacting me with your questions! It’s my pleasure to break it down for you.
(Psst: Got more questions? Please email me at!)
Though my only experience is sending packages to Bristol Bay, Alaska, during the summer months, I think the following will work for other areas, too. Let’s do this.
Step 1: Find the Address of the Processor They Fish For.

From what I understand, the processor sends a tender (a boat that transports supplies) that will deliver packages to fishing vessels each week.
(Note to self: Each fishing vessel links up with a processor to sell their catch. Once sold, the processors “sort fish, tend and operate head and gut machines, inspect the products, load and unload freezers, weigh, package and label the product.” Basically, a processor turns the raw fish into a “processed” or marketable product.)
If your partner fishes in Bristol Bay, click the image below to find the correct address for you. (Thanks to!) Otherwise, a Google search will get you to the right one:
Step 2: Use USPS Flat Rate Boxes

“Priority Mail Flat Rate” boxes are the easiest and cheapest way to send your goods – the maximum weight is 70lbs, so fill ’em up!
Though COVID-19 could mean packages will be delayed more than usual, from my experience, it takes about 7 – 10 days to get to the boat (and I usually mail from the Carolinas to Alaska!).
I’ve never had a problem with USPS (knock on wood), and I’ve also heard that USPS is the only one who will deliver to certain remote places in the US. Thank you, mail carriers! Here’s a link to pricing.
Step 3: Address your Package Carefully

Along with the processor’s information, make sure to add:
C/o (Fishing Vessel or “F/V” Boat Name), (Partner’s name).
For an example, see the photo above.
Step 4: Pack the Snacks

Not sure what to include? I wrote this blog post about gift options for commercial fishermen, and below are even more ideas from members of the Partners of Commercial Fishermen Facebook Group!:
“Latest copy of National Fisherman or Pacific Fishing Magazine, something home-baked, travel pack of wet wipes, beef jerky, new pair of socks, playing cards, instant coffee packets, condensed milk can, nail clippers…” – Kinsey Katherine
“Kava or CBD for sleeping, good chocolate (to ward off dementors!), photos, National Geographic’s (earmarked, after I read them), long letters (storytime!), fresh socks towards the end of the season, lavender for his pillow, lots of sauces (hot sauce, garlic chili sauce, anything to spice up the fish they’re eating on the reg), and whatever else tickles my fancy but these are staples. – Maressa Garner
“Just sent my first package ever 🙌 the only thing I don’t think anyone else already mentioned was a book 🙂 He likes to read.” – Brigid Daly
“Homemade cookies.” – LizAnn Skonberg*
*Every fisherman I’ve asked says homemade goods are always welcome, even if they are two weeks late and a little stale!
Step 4: Send Your Box, then Pat Yourself on the Back.

Sending a care package to your partner is a great way to feel connected when you’re so far away. Make sure to give yourself a high-five for this lifestyle – being with a commercial fisherman isn’t for the faint of heart!
And if you’re missing your man, make sure to join our private Facebook group. We understand what it’s like and will help you through it!🐟
What do you send to your fisherman? What ideas can you share? Let’s chat in the comments below!
Private Forum: If you want to connect further with others in our community, I’d love for you to join us in the private forum! The forum is a safe space for us to chat with POCFs all over the world to share our thoughts and feelings without judgment. If it feels aligned for you, click here to join the private forum!
Beach Retreat: There’s also an opportunity to meet with POCFs in person! I’m hosting the first-ever beach retreat this September, and it will be a time to rest, recharge, and connect on a deep level with an intimate group of women. There’s something to be said about chatting in real life with people who “get us,” and this experience will be magical in that way, to say the least. Click here to join the All-Inclusive POCF Retreat happening this fall, 2023! We’d love to meet you!
Feature photo by Rosebox
Does USPS send care packages to Antarctica? My Boyfriend is in the Antarctica Base camp and no known logistics service accepts the orders.
Hi, Alice! Thanks for reaching out!
I’m not sure. My first thought is to connect with ships that go to the base camp. Do they get provisions from a certain ship, and do they have contact information to give you? My experience for sending packages to commercial fishing boats is getting it on the tender/boats with mail and provisions. That is my thought here. Ask him what outside vessels/planes go to Base Camp and see if you can connect with them there. I’m interested if this works. Keep me posted, and good luck!
Hello, I want to send a package to my boyfriend, where to address it if they sailed from Capetown, South Africa?
Thank you. Will wait for your response.
Hi Eurika! Thanks for your comment! I will try to help as best as I can. Is he a commercial fisherman or is he on a private sailboat? That makes a difference when digging for info. Also, this post may be helpful, too. Keep me posted!
Also, if he’s on a boat that comes into harbor at least once a week, and it’s a small area like Cordova/Naknek/Kodiak etc and you don’t want to send it to the cannery etc you can send the package to GENERAL DELIVERY with his name directly to the post office address for in-person pick up. You don’t need a PO Box.
Sam! Thank you so much for this tip. I’ve never thought of sending to General Delivery before. Great idea. Much appreciated and I know others will think so, too! Thank you!