How-To Long-Distance Date a Commercial Fisherman
My fiancé Chris and I have done the commercial-fishing-long-distance-dating-thing for three summers now, and one of the best parts has been connecting with women since publishing 9 Things You Should Know When Dating A Fisherman a year ago. Emails range from the experienced to the novice: married women who have families with commercial fishermen to women who just recently began dating one. At first, I was wary to express my true feelings on the subject – like how being with a commercial fisherman isn’t easy at times – but I was relieved to learn of other women who are – I’m gonna do it – in the same boat.
Here are a few responses about this blog I’ve received from women who have been married to a commercial fisherman for over 30 years. Goes to show that no matter how long you’ve been in the game, we can relate:
“I really enjoyed reading it and can SO relate to so much you’ve mentioned! Having a relationship with a Commercial Fisherman takes a very special type of woman.”
“I enjoyed (your article) very much. Would love to get together and share some stories if you want to add a sequel. 😊”
“…the experience with this fishing family thing – it’s a grand adventure.”
This is from a woman who has been dating a commercial fisherman for just a few years:
“I love this Megan. This hits home for sure; I laughed, I cried, I sighed, I swooned ;)”
Reading their emails are like talking to a friend. I don’t have friends that actually date commercial fishermen, which is why I started this blog in the first place, so the emails have been a treat! My response to the last one, sent by Aubrey, has turned into this post. (Thanks, Aubrey!) Let’s dive in…
Random message, but I have to share: I found your account after googling “Dating An Alaskan Fisherman” & reading your piece from your site because my boyfriend left for Bristol YESTERDAY, and this is the first year I’m actually dating him. (We only had a couple of dates before he left last summer, and my goodness, what a whirlwind of a year it’s been since he got back!)
Any advice for this first summer without him? Now that I’m all mushy-gushy about him, I can’t believe I have to wait for him to steal his Skipper’s satellite phone to text me at 2 a.m. on some random night over the next few weeks! 😂 I have quite a few friends I’ve made through him here (including other ladies dating Alaskan fishermen), but sometimes, it’s just nice to have a stranger’s honest advice 🤷♀️, Aubrey!
Dear Aubrey,
I’ve thought of your question and have pressured myself to make sure I give you the *best* and most *perfect* advice.
Then, I realized nothing’s perfect.
So, I’m going to talk to you like I would my sister.
Here are some emotions that arise and how I work my way through them. I hope this helps!
How-To Long-Distance Date a Commercial Fisherman
1. You’ll miss him very much, and that goes without saying. But, to harness that energy, my best advice is to embrace a new life without him.
I mean this in the best way possible.
Think of it as being single without dating.
You now have the freedom to go to yoga, hike, hit up happy hour or juice bar, or eat cereal for dinner without the need to check in to see if he’s down for it, too.
(I should reiterate that everything I mention, I mention with lots of love. But, a girl’s gotta do what a girls gotta do! Like watching marathons of Sex and the City [or insert favorite indulgence here]. You know what I mean.)
And by year three, you will still miss him, but it will kinda feel like you are on vacation.
Kind of like, your own summer camp.

2. Phone calls may be short and static-y and, as you said, come in at 2 a.m.
Yeah, it totally blows. Especially since you may feel the need to be on night watch each time a phone call may come in.
But, if you fall asleep, it’s cool. At least you’ll know by a missed phone call that he’s alive wherever the hell he is.
Because isn’t that the true worry anyway? Or is it just me?
3. Some of your phone conversations may feel like this scene in Dumb and Dumber:
There are many times when I’m like, “Hey! How are you? How’s the fishing? How are you mentally, emotionally, and physically? Ok, so happy to hear…….(award silence)…… Welp, see ya later!”
There’s no way about it – you are living on two different planets right now, and it can be hard to connect. But, I’ve found talking about the most mundane things of my day seems to be music to his ears. Anything that takes their minds away from the fishing grind is a welcome treat.

4. On that note, leave long, rambling messages about your day on his voicemail.
It will be a gift to hear your voice when he gets a signal. Plus, it will make you feel better that you’ve made him a part of your day.
5. Don’t listen to anyone who says fishing is dangerous – because we already know it’s true, even when our fisherman assures us it’s not.
I mentioned this before, but it still works for me: Pray for a bubble of white light to surround him and trust that. Also, you can read Prayers for Commercial Fishermen here!
6. Prepare to drop some dough at the grocery store for a care package.
Go to the USPS, grab a flat-rate box, and just shove as many energy bars, jerky (or whatever treats your Love, loves!), then tape it up and drop that bitch off. (I have great care package ideas here!)
The large-size flat-rate box is $19.95 and should get there within a week (depending on where he’s fishing and when/where you are sending it).
I just sent one Monday from Wilmington, North Carolina, and it will be in Naknek, Alaska, by Thursday of the same week. I know. Crazy fast, considering the distance.
Side note: For the first package I sent this year, I asked Chris if Fed Ex or UPS would get my (mom’s) homemade cookies to him faster, and he said USPS is the only service that delivers to these remote locations. I’m not sure if this is true, but with four-day delivery from the East Coast to Alaska, I say USPS is the best way to go.
Here’s a link on properly addressing your care package to get to the fishing boat.

7. I’m gonna go here: You will be horny, and it will suck, and you will wonder if your man knows how much you are sacrificing by dating him.
You may want him to feel bad about it. You may even mention something. (Yes, I did all these things. And I’m not sure if it was a good or bad idea. Maybe an immature idea?)
But, seriously, you’ll be like, WTF.
And that’s when all the hot guys you’ve never seen in town before start popping up out of nowhere. I mean, it’s summer, for God’s sake. Can it be any more torturous?!?!?! But I digress….
Sister friend, find a little vibrator from one of the several shops in town. This is the perfect time to explore that sexual side of yourself so that when your fisherman returns, you will have a more exciting reunion and can show him what to do.
8. Also, you are allowed to innocently flirt with cute guys.
A smile from across the room never hurt anyone. You are still young, not married, and good-looking.
It’s ok that others notice, too 🙂

9. Make new friends! Kind of like asking out a dude, but a girl.
Even if it’s for coffee once, it’s nice to get out of the bubble of friends you and your man share.
This also means more opportunities to talk about something other than fishing. #winning
10. Think about what kind of life you want for yourself. Because, in the end, it’s all about your happiness.
Yeah, these long stretches of not seeing each other are hard, but is it holding you back from what you want in a life partner?
For me, being with a commercial fisherman is great. I thrive in long-distance relationships (which may tell you a lot. I’m just not sure what). I like the independence. It’s a nice balance. It seems to make the relationship more nurtured, in a way. A chance for you both to grow as individuals – separately, not apart because there’s a difference.
During this time apart, you’ll both have fulfilled personal needs, making you all the more ready to show up for your relationship and bring your A-game.
Do you date a commercial fisherman, and can you relate? What is it like for you? Please share in the comments below!
If you liked this, you’d love Sex & Dating a Commercial Fisherman.
Catch up on the Diary series! Diary of a Partner of a Commercial Fisherman.
Hey there! My name is Krystyna and I am brand new to dating a commercial fisherman. This is my first trip. Honestly I’m struggling. I’m trying to find ways to cope and stay strong such as having a count down calendar, sending him text messages a couple times a day(even though he’s completely out of reach of service,) something that we agreed on was that even though we are miles apart we will watch the sunset together everyday and while we do that I try to get to the water(it helps me feel closer to him) and I’m trying to stay as busy as I can. I don’t really have anyone to talk to that understands what I’m goin through. This trip is a 9 day trip with 7 days completely out of phone service. Captain doesn’t believe in phone calls home the sat phone is strictly for emergencies. I have an app on phone so I can see his boat and will also notify me if a distress call is made from the beacon. My question is what else can I do to help me get through this trip and the following trips.
Thank you
Hi, Krystyna!
Thank you so much for your thoughtful question and patience as I took the time to find an answer of the same weight.
First, your budding romance – the love, the longing – is what so many good love stories are made of. It’s the poetry of our lifestyle, the ebb and flow as seasons progress, no matter how long, or short the separations may be. I’m sure many Partners of Commercial Fishermen nod to your letter because they’ve been there or stand where you are now.
…which is one of our biggest challenges – finding a flow when everything is swirling around you. Even the most independent POCFs can get sucked into the emotional whirl and forget their footing, but there are ways out.
The first thing that came to mind was the sunset idea is super romantic, but after a while, it begins to hold you back from settling into your incredibly special and unique life on land as a Partner of a Commercial Fisherman.
As POCFs, we are forced to cut the chord a bit more than other relationships, and the silver lining is that we can cultivate a rich, independent life that fulfills us as women. My favorite advice from my mom is, “Learning to be by yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.” Being a POCF means we’re on the fast track, which is a good thing.
Speaking of track, I don’t have a tracker for Chris, but I’ve noticed in our community that being super aware of location is helpful for some yet heightens anxiety for others. I can understand how nice it must be to see their location if you haven’t heard from them in a few days. But many of us have found that sending a prayer/vibe/energy into the ether and trusting their skills to fish safely is good enough. There are no wrong answers. What brings the most peace to your heart is right for you.
If you wanted more connection, y’all could invest (or ask Santa or a generous relative) for a satellite phone that he could use to text you. But even then, it builds the expectation of regular communication, which leads to disappointment because commercial fishing does not lend to that. Work, eat, sleep, repeat is the game. Fishermen are so worked that keeping up with messages can also be one more load to carry. Multiply that if they fish in a different time zone, too.
Food for thought: If you like the connection of sharing a sunset with your partner but feel rushed or guilty if you can or can’t make it, set a timer on your phone to the sunset where he is. The little ring or vibration will remind you that your love is thinking of you, too.
The most important way to get out of a rut is more than staying busy. It’s going deeper to find a passion that reflects your purpose in life and what truly lights you up that is separate from your friends, family, and/or partner.
What does that look like? It’s different for everyone and can change (and that’s ok!). Think of a hobby or project that you love and can return to again and again when your partner is away, home because of bad weather, or when you need time to yourself. Here’s a list of activities POCFs do when their partners are away:
Refinishing furniture
Business masterminds
Online courses
Steelhead fishing
Refinishing furniture
Team sports (Check for local adult sports leagues)
Hanging out with friends
Sharpening up cooking skills
I hope I’m not unloading too much but it seems you’re ready for the goods. Please keep me posted on your exciting new chapter in life. I wish you both a safe and bountiful season. Email me at if you have any other questions. Thank you for being here, Krystyna! and I send you a big hug from Ojai, California!
Hi, I’m hoping you still read these. My fisherman is the love of my life!!! But it is still so hard!! We have been together for four years and for the most part good. I’ve learned a lot about fishing and crabbing, but still there’s a lot to learn, he is a boat owner and fishes out of Alaska. The hardest part is the lack of communication!! I’m 55 years old a divorcee of 33 years to someone who did not communicate!! Is this normal for fisherman? It’s great when he’s home, but I get barely anything when he is out!!!
I am here! Thank you for reading and commenting! First of all, minimal communication is typical, so you’re not alone! I see how lack of communication can trigger you in this relationship, but communication is one of the most significant pain points for POCFs across the board.
Though some POCFs hear from their fishermen regularly, this number seems small. Communication during a fishing season depends on
The location of the fishery
If there’s cell signal
If the boat has Wifi
If there’s a satellite phone onboard
If they even have time after fishing hard, sleeping little, and shoveling food in their mouths to sustain themselves for more days of the same.
One time it took Chris almost two weeks to contact me. I was wiggin’ HARD about his safety, but at the same time, I had to learn to trust him, his skills as a fisherman, and the *powers that be* to protect him and the boat. My mother-in-law has a great prayer when worrying gets out of control. I hope this helps you, too!:
“They are in the perfect place at the perfect time, surrounded by white light.”
Speaking on past triggers (we all have them in varying degrees), if you’re worried if something’s wrong with your relationship, ask yourself if you created that story in your head because you didn’t hear from him. Was everything fine before he left? If so, move on. I say that because I catch myself doing it, and use this practice to get myself out of a hole.
If y’all left on a bad note, this is considered normal, too, because pre-season stress can seep into the relationship in weird ways. This happens to many POCFs and has happened to Chris and me before. Life gets weird sometimes! Write down your feelings if you cannot call a truce before they leave or in your next text or phone call. Then, dig deeper to find the root of the matter. (I.e., Is it fear, past trama, insecurities, etc.?) Writing not only helps get those emotions out, but you can also use it as notes for a discussion when they return. Most importantly, writing out your feelings helps to move on, so you’re not pissed the whole season. (Trust me, I’ve been there!)
I hope this has been helpful. There are a ton of interviews with more POCFs in the menu “Partners of Commercial Fishermen,” and click the tab “Meet Other POCFs.”
Again, thank you for writing! I always love to hear from our community because this is our lifeline to connect with people who understand without judgement. Hope you have an enjoyable rest of the season, and please reach out with any questions. If I can’t answer them, I will find a POCF who can. I/we are here! – Megan
I’ve been dating a commercial fisherman for 2 years now and all of this is like the pink cloud, best case scenario stuff. I found out he was using his occupation as a way to cheat on me and now that I’m two years in and he’s desperate, “sorry” and wanting to fix things, he doesn’t have the time to address the situation. And God forbid I ask him to take a single season off and work locally (he also has experience and connections thru construction) so I guess I’m wondering… how tf do you address problems in the relationship when they’re never there? Fun fact, mine is also named Chris and he’s an Alaskan fisherman
Hey, Rachel!
Thank you for sharing, and I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that! You’re definitely not alone in the cheating department, fortunately, and unfortunately. Here’s a link to a few posts of women who have dealt with similar issues, and I’m adding my two cents below them:
Letter: What if My Fisherman is Cheating? https:/fisherman-cheating/
Letter: My Fisherman Cheated and I Don’t Know What to Do. https:/fisherman-cheated-2/
As always, I give the same advice I would a friend or myself. How TF do you address problems in the relationship when they’re never there? Start with you. What do YOU want out of a committed relationship? Not just out of the relationship you’re currently in. Make a list. I did. It helps to get your thoughts on paper to see that it IS obtainable. This is both freeing and scary. Taking time to observe the pros and cons of a situation makes us realize what we are willing to sacrifice to improve it and what we will NOT tolerate anymore. As you’ll notice in the second post listed above, it’s hard to guide you on what to do next because you’re the only one who truly knows what’s up. Regardless, the fact that you’re like HTF means you’re already making moves to improve what isn’t serving anymore. Go YOU! I hope this helps in some way. If you have any other questions, please let me know! And how funny that his name is Chris and an AK fisherman, no less. Small freakin’ world!
I have been with my fisherman since June. He was doing 8-15 days on a hake boat and would be on land for offload (I would drive up and stay for the night he was there as he couldn’t leave), then he would go out on the boat again. I didn’t have much problem with this because I am a full time student, so I missed him, but realistically it worked for us. He had satellite wifi, which means sometimes we couldn’t video chat but we were always able to text. He got to take October off to I spent basically the entire month with him when I could.
The problem now is that he does black cod trips every year. Keeps him away from the drug culture on the other boats, he gets to do what he loves, and he is in a happy mental and physical space. It is a 2-6 weeks trip. Except that there is no wifi on this boat – only a sat phone he can use. He said he could call for like 15 minutes everyday or perhaps every couple of days. I got a phone call on the first day, but now it’s 3 days later, I haven’t heard anything from him, the last time his vessel checked in on the marine traffic website was the same day he called. There has been a huge windstorm coming up our coast right where he is. I don’t know if I should be legitimately worried or if this is normal? I am new to this.
Perhaps new rule? Can’t use the sat phone?
Perhaps he’s just too busy/tired
I know most girlfriends would be upset (especially my age) but I just want to know that he is safe.
Hi, Elizabeth!
Thank you so much for writing. It’s great to hear from you, although I realize it’s during a trying time for you right now. First of all, IT IS NORMAL FOR YOU TO HAVE THESE FEELINGS AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I’ve been there before and will be again. There are wives who have been in the game for twenty-plus years who still get that strange tingly feeling when their men go out to sea. Unfortunately, it’s part of the territory when you’re a partner of a commercial fisherman. Your man is probably super busy with fishing and trying to get sleep when he’s not fishing, or something is up with the Sat phone or usage of it. Chris and I recently had issues with our satellite device, and it totally sucks! Not hearing from your man when you think you should makes the mind go places you never want to visit. I once heard that “Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want,” and I try to remember that when I go down the Rabbit Hole. I hope this may help you, too. Trust that he is doing well and working hard. And know that he is 100% thinking of you! The other good news is, there is a group of women who know what you’re going through and would love to meet you, too! Please join our Private FB Group and share your story or scroll through past posts to see how other other POCFs have navigated the same territory. I’m excited for you and the love in your life. It sounds like your relationship, in general, is supportive to you, and that’s what matters most. I hope your man has a wonderful season, that you are soaking up your independence while he’s away, and that you two will enjoy those blissful days of being reunited again. Please keep me posted! And you can always email me at if you have any other questions or just want to chat. Sending lots of love to you! Hope to see you in our FB group! 🙂
Ps I guess I’m just wondering how in the hell we can make this work? What’s the balance here?? He’s been home for two weeks and the first few days was about us but quickly turned to him working on his boats ALL DAY and paying minimal to no attention to me and by the time we are relaxing, he’s too tired to hold a conversation or be intimate. I love this guy, he’s brought such a light to my life but I feel loved when man can give me quality time and touch…so, any advice on how to do that with only a few days together at best?
Hey, Gina! I’ve been thinking of you and have meaning to reach out with an update. Recently, I had to carve out a quick QT moment for me and my hubby and it made me think of your letter in a totally different light. Since Chris and I both had been busy with separate projects for a week, we agreed to a 7 pm dinner & movie night in bed. It was fun to look forward to a creative date night that we’d never intentionally done before, and being in the privacy of our bedroom turned out to be a great way to catch up on random conversations with family and work and life in the way that really ups the intimacy. It’s simple, cheap, and somewhat easy to accomplish as long as you both can agree on a time.
I actually added the note above to the most recent blog, and others have chimed in with comments, too! Here’s a link to the Instagram comments that I hope will help! How did time with your fisherman go, btw? Sending a big POCF hug from afar!!
When I met my boyfriend 6 months ago, he was on a boat that went out for 7 to 10 days and was on land for 5-7 days. I didn’t mind that at all because I’m very independent and got used to doing my own thing when married to a special forces pararescueman. However, now he is on a new boat where he’s gone for two weeks, home for 3-5 days. My main concern is not time apart, it’s the limited time together only because when he IS home, he has a ton of other things he “needs” to get done, so I’m afraid we will lose the loving, deep connection that we share right now.
Thank you for asking this deeply personal question! I have pondered this since you posted to make sure I give the best answer. I have a few questions before we dive in:
Is he in a seasonal fishery or is it year-round?
Are you able to help him take care of errands before he gets back so you can juice out more quality time?
Are you able to help him prepare for the in-between trips? (For example, I’ll help Chris with traps and buoys and things like that so we can spend time together while working.)
Have you communicated your needs with him?
You don’t need to feel selfish about the latter. In order for you to be the best partner you can be, you have to be able to get what you need out of a relationship. And what a plus that you’ve already got the independence part down. Of course, being with a commercial fisherman means sacrifice on certain levels, but if you feel that your relationship is slipping away, you’ve got to be honest with him and see what he says. Then, whatever his answer is, think about how this can or can’t work for you. I know it’s a scary convo to have, but you gotta look out for yourself, you know? Otherwise, resentment kicks in and everyone loses. Plus, it makes a gal feel icky.
Thank you so much again for writing! I look forward to hearing your answers from above and hopefully finding a happy medium that works for you both!
Just ran across this its nice to know I’m not alone it’s just coming up to one year with my boyfriend who works on a Commrcial fishing boat. Sometimes my friends don’t understand why I’m so excited to hear from him while he still has service… but time is valuable when we get to talk. Thank you for the read.
Hi, Kristina!
Thank you so much for being here and for your comment! And girl, you are NOT alone at all! My immediate friend group has no idea what it’s like to date a man in this industry, which is why I started this blog to connect with like-minded women like yourself! We also have a private Facebook group, like a support group of partners of commercial fishermen in various stages of different fisheries and different seasons. Would love to have you! Here’s the link: Hope to see you back here and there, too!
OMG girl, I totally relate to all of this. I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. We initially met on a boat In Alaska because I used to fish too, everything was great until 7 months ago when we both decided to stop fishing & so we moved to Las Vegas so I can pursue real estate & interior decorating. But soon after he left again for Sitka, AK and this time it’s been taking a toll on me!! Your writing is so true, I love my alone time and working on myself but I’m just sick of not hearing from him. I’m glad I found your article, someone who can relate!!!
GIRL! WELCOME TO THE CLUB! I am so happy to know you virtually. First of all, YOU ARE A TOTAL BADASS. I bet you have a million stories of what it’s like to commercial fish in Alaska as a woman! That is so inspiring for young girls to know that women fit in the industry, too. MAD RESPECT. Next, I checked your website and congrats! It looks like you have a fantastic business in Las Vegas! I know it keeps you busy, but not completely busy where your man’s absence doesn’t bother you. I know, not hearing from them is THE WORST. You just gotta trust that he’s ok. And truly, this works for me: that white light, man. Put vibes out that it protects him and the crew. It will ease your heart. And if Sitka, AK is anything like the Bristol Bay fisheries, he should be home in a few weeks! The middle and end of the season is exhausting for everyone – even those waiting for their partners to return. Just as a reminder, you’re doing great. Keep working at your amazing design biz, soak up that alone time, and he will be safe in your arms before you know it. Thank you so much for reading, connecting, and reaching out! It’s so nice to have another friend out there who gets it, too! xo
As expected, can totally relate as most of this is relavent to having a rotational yacht captain as a life partner, too… Except #6 (he’s provided for better on the boat than at home, lucky bastard) and #8 (because we’re actually married). #3 made me giggle because even after almost 8 years, still true. I’ll be sharing this with a few friends because it makes us all a little crazy sometimes and just knowing there’s a whole tribe of “us” out there makes our situation a little easier to manage. Thanks my friend – keep up the good advice. 🙏🏻 #sharingiscaring
LES!!! I love that we can relate on the crazy boat life – whether a commercial fishing boat, a sailboat, or dang yacht! That’s hilarious about #6 – he def lives a different life at sea than anyone I know! As for #8, totally hear you but we ain’t there yet. 🙂 Just kidding. Kinda. #3 cannot be denied. It’s hilarious sometimes and I have to call it out, even when we’re on the phone together. Also, can’t believe y’all have been together for 8 years! Congrats, that’s freakin’ awesome. So much love, so much work (in a good way. Most of the time. Am I right? 🙂 ) OMG THANK YOU FOR SHARING! That explodes my heart with joy. Thank you for adding more to our tribe. (Insert crying with joy emoji here.) Love you, girl. And thank you for being a part of the conversation. Your input means so much and helps others out there, too! xo
Full relate! My care packages are insane (like full forage mode for a week and half, just sent him a chocolate shaped fish [like 12 inches long]…figured he may be tired of eating real salmon?? You get the idea).
The hardest thing for me is the reluctance to convey “the real feel” (and understand this is different for every fisherman) but my man is hyper focused during his time up there, to the point where he lovingly checks in but it’s pretty checked out. Hard for me cos I’m over here like waxing poetic in love letters about relationship philosophy.
Otherwise, yes to being single without all the terrible sexual stress of being single! I love this and I love having more time for yoga, zero jokes about my face mask habit, getting on an earlier time schedule (sooo easy to sleep in/stay up late when cuddle factor is present). Although I will say I appreciate how much J slows me down (I can get kinda scary “on point” when he’s away to the extent that my nervous system is like WTF.
You feel me!
Lots of love aaaand they’re home so soon!
GIRL!!! This is so good, I laughed out loud several times. Especially about “full forage mode” and “over here like waxing poetic in love letters about relationship philosophy.” TRUTH! Also, I had to put your original comment about the piece in this post, too. 🙂 You were actually the first woman that I felt “got me” in that way. Someone from outside of the family that could relate! Can’t wait to meet you in person, which is crazy since I feel like we’ve already hung out. But, I guess that what we writers do – hang out through words. 🙂 Have a great rest of your “single” summer! Aaaaaaannndd they’re home soon! xoxo