It’s that time of year again. Time to ship out our fishermen for days, weeks, or months at a time, which means time to begin our rituals of the not-so-single Bachelorette life of partners of commercial fishermen. (POCFs unite!)
Depending on what emotional stage you’re in (this post is a great way to figure it out), a care package will take shape. (If it’s your first time shipping, here’s a post on how to do it along with ideas of what to include.) You’ll want the package to be special and fun, to feel like a big kiss from you sent to him in the middle of the ocean.
If you’re wondering what to add, baked goods are ALWAYS the top request from fishermen (or all the fishermen I’ve asked). Doesn’t matter if it’s weeks old when they get it, a baked good is a baked good. Store-bought just can’t compete. Below are the top 3 baked goods recommendations from fellow POCFs in our private forum. (And if you haven’t joined yet, please do!) Number 1 & 2 I’ll send to Chris for the upcoming sockeye salmon season for sure! Which one will you choose?
Top 3 Baked Treats for a Fisherman’s Care Package
1. Dried Fruit and Nut Bars

I found this dried fruit and nut bar recipe on Pinterest by Salt In My Coffee. It’s Paleo, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, and Dairy-Free, so I bet it will keep for a long time (perfect for shipping)! This idea is from POCF Alana Harrison, along with an idea for an extra treat! Check it out:
“Oh man, this is my favorite thing to do! My dad always said good food is the only thing they have to look forward to out there. Pro-tip: find out what the captain likes and send a box of baked goodies just for him! In my experience, they will steal from the mates. I usually try to send stuff that is nutrient-dense like heavy in nuts, fruits, grains, etc so it gives them lasting energy.” – Alana Harrison.
2. “Savory rolls.” – Kinsey Katherine
Kinsey threw me for a loop on this one and I LOVE this idea! I feel like I mainly send Chris a bunch of sweets, but the idea of adding something baked and savory sounds like a VIP care package to me. In my mind, pepperoni rolls pop up. Maybe because I’m hungry. Maybe because they’re dank AF. I looked it up, and pepperoni rolls can live at room temperature for up to 5 days, and an unopened package of pepperoni can stay fresh for a month. I’m sure you can send a “build your own” situation if you’re worried about when the package will arrive, though I’m sure they will devour the rolls before the expiration date. Here’s a recipe I found on Pinterest by Sally of Real Mom Nutrition:
3. Homemade Cookies

I mean…is there really anything better than homemade cookies? Now that I think of it, brownies, sweetbreads, and muffins sound pretty good and will most likely keep for the same amount of time. Granola, too. But to get down to brass tax, let’s talk about the classic chocolate chip. My mom always makes Chris chocolate chip cookies because, well, her’s are waaaay better than mine. Though, I’m not sure the last time I made a homemade cookie because I’d rather eat hers. I need to get on it. My mom will just use the recipe on the back of the chocolate chip package, and even though they may turn out a little different each time, they’re still amazing. Here’s a Pinterest recipe by Danielle of Live Well Bake Often. And below is a picture from a care package I sent Chris a few seasons ago:
Thanks for reading! What do you like to add to your care packages? Is there a signature baked treat or snack you like to include? Please share in the comments below!
Private Forum: If you want to connect further with others in our community, I’d love for you to join us in the private forum! The forum is a safe space for us to chat with POCFs all over the world to share our thoughts and feelings without judgment. If it feels aligned for you, click here to join the private forum!
Beach Retreat: There’s also an opportunity to meet with POCFs in person! I’m hosting the first-ever beach retreat this September, and it will be a time to rest, recharge, and connect on a deep level with an intimate group of women. There’s something to be said about chatting in real life with people who “get us,” and this experience will be magical in that way, to say the least. Click here to join the All-Inclusive POCF Retreat happening this fall, 2023! We’d love to meet you!