I received a wonderful email from a reader (Hi, Lydia!) who found 9 Things To Know When Dating A Commercial Fisherman while Googling “Gifts to Get for Commercial Fishermen.”
Lydia’s email got me thinking about what a great idea it would be to list a few gifts that would come in handy for our commercial fishing loved ones and be helpful for the partners, too. So, I immediately asked our POCF community and my husband (a commercial sockeye salmon and spiny lobster fisherman) what he thought, and here’s a handful of ideas we came up with:
Perfect Go-To Gifts For Commercial Fishermen
The ultimate touch point for commercial fishing families, the Starlink satellite allows you to communicate as if they were on dry land. Facetime, phone calls, texts, the ability to research weather predictions online…the options are endless. Fishing kids in our community love Starlink because they can feel more connected to their parents, even in the middle of the season! (If they have time, of course.) I like this model because it’s mobile, so fishermen can secure it to the boat and then take it home to use on the next road trip or even at home. You pay for the device, and then a monthly subscription fee is charged to connect. There are no contracts, so you can cancel service anytime, like in the off-season if you’re not using it.
Garmin InReach
If the boat does not have a satellite phone or Starlink, the InReach allows your loved one to text you for, I think, around $30 a month for the month-to-month plan (and you can cancel any time). The device is kind of pricey upfront but cheaper than a satellite phone. I love this gift because it ultimately means your partner can text you when out at sea! (If they have time, of course.) I wig balls a lot less when I receive a message at the end of the day that he’s safe.
I still wig, but it’s more tolerable. Below is what a message looks like from a satellite messenger to an iPhone. We had an InReach on our sailboat, which Chris now uses when lobster fishing the Channel Islands (about 20 miles from the coast of Santa Barbara, California). Another bonus? When he messages on the way back to port, I have enough time to figure out dinner plans – to cook or order in. Winning!

This is probably the gift I am most proud of giving Chris a few years ago – ease of travel to fishing grounds! Since Chris fishes in Alaska during the summers, buying him the TSA pre-check seemed like a great way to make his experience as stress-free as possible. Since there’s not much we can do to physically help our fishermen on the job, this is essentially the gift that keeps on giving, whether they’re traveling to fish or for pleasure. They’ll have to book an interview to get the official “Known Traveler Number,” which takes less than 10 minutes (look up where to do this in your area). Also to note, it will take a few weeks to be approved once the interview is finished. However, Pre-check perks last up to FIVE YEARS, so get one for yourself, too, so you can both zoom through security without taking off all your clothes and shoes or unpacking your bags. It costs under $100, I believe it’s around $75.
Mobile Online Therapy with BetterHelp
I love BetterHelp. Seeking a therapist and meeting when convenient for me was a game-changer in my life, and I want that for us all. They have several plans, including video therapy, messaging, live chat, phone therapy, and all the above. Plans vary from $70 to $100 a week, and you can cancel anytime. (Just think, for under $250, you and/or your partner can receive four sessions that will make a positive impact on their lives!) I like that fishermen can message someone and receive feedback when it’s convenient for them. No need to be active in real-time. They can message back to the harbor and review feedback on the way out to the fishing grounds again. All that sea time is a great space to ponder. This is another gift that keeps on giving because it teaches tools to regulate stress, anxiety, anger, and more to maintain healthy mental wellness for a lifetime.
TAHMAs are the only fishing boots we recommend, and here’s why:
- They are the ONLY boot on the market that passes military testing: glycerine on steal. (They don’t call them “GripTec” for nothing.) As a partner of a commercial fisherman, my top concern is safety, and if this means my fisherman has a better chance at safety on the water, I’m all in.
- TAHMA’s last waaaaaay longer than others we’ve tried, and we’ve tried them all. Ex: Our deckhand busted a new pair of (insert popular brand) two weeks into crabbing in Oregon. We immediately sent him a pair of TAHMA’s, and he hasn’t looked back.
- Instead of tossing out worn-down boots every other season, TAHMAs stand strong, ready to roll again and again. (Dare we say, more eco-friendly!) Their price point is similar to others, plus you get more wear for your money.
- Fishermen from all fisheries have tested the boots on every slimy and slippery deck there is with rave reviews, and TAHMA’s got testimonials to prove it.
- TAHMA doesn’t just talk about “wanting to be” the best boots for fishermen; they truly are.
I’m proud to say that TAHMA GripTec boots are the *only* boots the Partners of Commercial Fishermen community recommends because they are the only company that tests for the highest standards of safety and comfort. We love TAHMA Boots!
Bama Sokkets Insulated Booties
They look funny, but I can’t express enough how amazing these little booties are – “Bamas” help pull sweat from feet to keep them dry and cozy. Chris wears them with his TAHMA boots, saving him from sweaty feet or freezing his toes off. (They work great for rainboots, too!) It also helps to prevent, um, athlete’s foot since it keeps the foot dry. (Gross. Yeah, sorry, I just went there.)
Back and Neck Massager: S-Curve
Another item that looks super funny, but believe me, it works! I use this to kneed knots out of my lower back and neck. I also bought it for my fisherman because, sometimes, I’m not in the mood to give him a rub down. And, the times that I am, my fingers and hands begin to ache a bit. Maybe you’ve been there. That’s where a strange-looking S-curve massager comes in. It’s super durable and has little knobs all over to reach where you need it most. It’s another gift that keeps on giving – for you. both!
Lacrosse Ball For Deep Tissue Massage
Another item that will alleviate pain for you and your fisherman. I love my little Lacrosse ball. It’s durable, much stronger than, let’s say, a tennis ball, and gets right to the source. You can use it to roll the bottom of your feet while watching a movie (one of my favorites!), or lay down on the ground, place the ball underneath, and roll around to release those knots in your shoulder, neck, and arm. You name it. Makes a great stocking stuffer or a “just because” gift.
Gear from a Commercial Fishing Family Small Businesses: Rugged Seas Camo Hat
I learned of this brand from our private Partners of Commercial Fishermen community years ago, and the best part of this company is that a commercial fishing family runs the company! Yes, cheers to POCF Nikki Strout and her fisherman Taylor, who created these amazing designs while contributing to their local Maine fishermen’s associations. Pop over to their website to pick your favorite. Not only can we eat wild-caught seafood to support American fishermen, but we can also wear our support, too!
Long Sleeve Shirts: Dry-Fit/UPF 50
Three-pack of long-sleeve wick-dry shirts to wear under hoodies or by themselves in the sun. Another way to help ease the hard labor of our fishermen is by keeping them dry and protected from UV rays. This one comes in a pack of three in black, blue, and white.
However, I know some fishermen prefer thick cotton, and here’s a link to Carhartt Men’s Loose Fit Heavyweight Short-Sleeve Pocket T-Shirt.
Made in the USA, this is their most popular fleece in medium weight and Polartec® Hardface® windpro®. Super light and dries quickly, this is a perfect all-around layer to keep your fisherman cozy in light to medium rain. Great for under foul weather gear to use season after season.
Base-Layer Dry Fleece Pants by Guy Cotten
Made in the USA! These power-dry pants are antimicrobial and will keep their legs dry as they sweat. (No need for a visual. LOL!) They are also breathable and mid-weight, which makes them the perfect bottom layer under foul-weather gear or walking around the boat.
Darn Tough is comfortable and warm and has a lifetime warranty for around $20. Really! You can actually send your clean, worn socks to the company with a note on the “injury,” and they will darn them for you. Best twenty bucks you’ll ever spend.
Two other companies I love are the North Carolina brand Farm to Feet and another called Swiftwick. (I recommend getting the thick wool blend from Swiftwick. They are so cozy and can last for days, and they have great arch support, too!)
Fishing Beanie
A Gore-TEX Fishing Beanie with Windstopper technology makes total sense when it comes to staying warm out there. A beanie on the thin side that will fit under hoods and hats. If they get hot, it folds down nicely to fit in a pocket. Boom!
Stainless Steel Containers for the Boat
Chris was adamant about getting new containers that would last, and I didn’t really see what the big deal was. The plastic ones were…ok. Why spend the dough? Then, he bought these stainless steel food containers, and I’m probably a bigger fan than him at this point. I love them because they are air and watertight, won’t crush under pressure, and come in a bunch of sizes that stack inside each other like wooden Russian dolls. (We live in an airstream, so I’m all about We take these camping, I use these in the house…plus they’re better on the environment than plastic that eventually gets gross and you have to toss.
SPF 50 Face Stick – Reef Safe, Chemical Free
Sticks make it easy for fishermen to apply and reapply without using their hands. Easy application for the face you love to kiss most, the stick will glide over the important parts like the tops of their ears, nose, cheeks, temples, and lips. Not only do we need to remember the sun’s rays, but the water that reflects onto the boat and our fishermen. This one is under $13. A deal for long-term health and wellness! Made in the USA!
Face and Body Balm for dry and windy days at sea.
Chris legit swears by this stuff, and as we pass from the humid East Coast to dry California each year, I rely on Bee Magic to hydrate the F outta my face. I use all the oils and tinctures, but this balm has great staying power or boost to your moisturizing routine. We also love this Dr. Bronners Arnica Balm for sore muscles. Great for a massage, too!
Electric Blanket
I never thought of this before, but it makes sense! I linked the Navy color because it hides stains better. It has 12 heat settings and a 12-hour selectable auto shut-off. I linked the twin size to fit in those small bunks.
Care package “with homemade stuff.”
This is a direct quote from Chris. Cookies are preferable. And believe me; they will eat them even if they are a week old because it gives them the slightest feeling of home, which is all they want while battling rough waters, high winds, and unending sets! Here’s a post on how to send a care package to a commercial fisherman in remote areas.

Photobook of you and your family/pets:
This is a great keepsake, whether they’re on or off the sea! It’s easy to choose from your personal photos, and you can even make one from your phone. Here’s a blog that explains how to make a photo book of your own.

What not to give:
A sexy book that you meticulously created and sent to Apple to get printed in hopes no human would see the personal nude photos you took for him.
Yes, I totally did this when we first started dating, thinking it would be a thoughtful and spicy gift. It was, but Chris never used it on the boat because there’s no privacy to actually “use it,” if you know what I mean.
The book is currently sitting on the top ledge of his closet. Go figure.
Do you have any other ideas that would be great for gifts? If so, please share in the comments below so we can all enjoy. Thank you!
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I got an Inreach last year for around 500. Then, I found out that Costco has them for about half that price! So keep an eye out. Don’t know if they still carry them or not.
Thanks for the update! I’ll double-check with Costco and update the post. Thank you, Jennie!! 🙂